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No one wants to be stinky when they arrive at class... you don't want to be that guy.


And who has a shower in their car?

No one I know (unless you drive one of those fancy RV's, but I bet you don't)


So we came up with a solution!


Introducing our amazing Dry Shower Foam that will let you freshen up after a long day at work.

Rub the foam all over (wherever you want, it's all natural so its all good).

The foam lifts the dirt, cleanses your skin, moisturises and freshens you up... plus you don't have to wash it off.


Amazing right?!

I know!


Its made from natural ingredients and essential oils to help create your first barrier of defense against germs.


Plus it smells INCREDIBLE!

Seriously incredible!

Grab your bottle now... cos its Flippin Lekker Foam.

Flippin Lekker Foam 150ml

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